Market Sentiment Analysis
Ascertain the impact of user sentiment towards your brand, your marketing assets as well as your competitors. Go beyond surface-level sentiment analysis by understanding the implications of what is being said and more importantly what is not being said about your brand. Move beyond brand affinity and evaluate the degree to which your audience respects your brand and how meaningful your brand is to them. Use this analysis to evaluate potential brand opportunities and what potential problems your branding may run into in the future.
Brand Opportunity Assessment
Based on an analysis of your current state in the market, brand identity, messaging, and positioning relative to the competitive landscape - we’ll assess what possibilities exist currently and what possibilities potentially exist should you engage in new brand activities.
Performance Opportunity Assessment
Based on the status and power of your branding, we’ll assess the potential performance and growth opportunities available to you that are currently not being capitalized on.
This assessment also includes what potential growth opportunities are available to you as you engage in new branding activity and the brand presence that comes with it. This assessment heavily focuses on opportunities to bring in traffic via Google Search as well as what new content asset possibilities exist based on potential brand status and prowess.
Additionally, this assessment will indicate which branded searches from Google are vital for brand performance and what the trends around branded searches indicate about brand sentiment and beyond.
Brand risk assessment
An analysis of your current branding and overall marketing activities (with a special emphasis on what is occurring on the performance marketing side) gives you insight into the potential risk of developing negative user sentiment and overall audience disinterest. This assessment aims to analyze your activities in the context of the overall ecosystem including consumer and web trends so as to prevent negative brand associations.